Growing Room


Some people look askance when I say we encourage our customers to ‘grow their own’, as though at Village Greens we are doing ourselves out of a job. The more the merrier, we say, and our wide range of veg plants has been very popular this year, perhaps because the unpredictable spring weather has made seed sowing such a lottery. Although the man with the clipboard says we’re not allowed to call them ‘organic’, all our plants have been grown with care, without chemicals in organic compost.

Even if you don’t have your own veg patch, many of our veg plants are pretty enough to grace your flower beds- purple kohl rabi or black Tuscan kale look stunning in the border, and nasturtium ‘Blue Pepe’ will give you edible and beautiful flowers as well as leaves for your salads. If you don’t have a flower bed, then tomatoes like ‘Tumbling Tom’ can be grown in pots… and if you only have a windowsill, our ‘cut-and-come-again’ punnets of salad leaves will grow happily there and give you three or four harvests. So, you see, there’s plenty of room for everyone to be growing their own!


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